Thursday, December 12, 2013

yuletide carols being sung by a choir

are you having trouble getting into the christmas spirit? consumerism got you down? try choir music! its like the prozac of christmas music. its calm, its pretty, and its content generally pious. youre not going to hear a choir sexily making a list of what it wants santa baby to bring it. its not going to whine about how it wont be the same this year without you. choir music will simply sing praises to God (get over it, christmas is a christian holiday) and enumerate the glorious blessings and implications of Jesus' birth. observe, and feel free to sing along (this one has the words in spanish too for all those who abla the espanol!):

my favorite song from handel's messiah is 'for unto us a child is born.' it was hard to chose a version of this because they are all so good. i couldnt use the mo-tab, because i used them for halleluja chorus. i chose this version because the male sorpano at :43 reminds me of baron werner is also a nice version.

this last one i'll include because i like it. its non-handels messiah...when i was a kid, one of my best friends named aaron dabell once told me that this song reminded him of micky mouse for some reason. now, it reminds me of micky mouse for that reason. and yeah, its the mormon tabernacle choir again. what of it? its hard to find another group that choirs as hard as they do.

1 comment :

  1. I could read your blogs all day long. I think you have a gift.
